

1. Every candidate for admission must be introduced in person by the one, who will be responsible to the Principal, for the child.

2. Admissions are done from Nursery and to other classes, as per the availability of seats and on the basis of tests and an interview, there off. The merit of the candidate is the sole criterion for selection.

3. The ideal age for admission in Nursery is 3 years. Only the parents are interviewed to understand the candidate better and to assess the parents’ ability to help and co-operate in the academic life of their candidate, as well as, in the activities of the School.

4. Correct name and the date of birth are to be given in the Admission form and these once registered, WILL NOT BE ALTERED, AT ANY COST.


1. Examinations of students from Nursery to Std.- X are held, as indicated in the School Diary and the students will not be allowed to sit for examinations, unless all the dues to the School, are cleared.

2. The School conducts no Re-test/Re-examination. There is no provision either of reassessment or promotion, on trial.

3. If a pupil fails to attain regularly, the minimum marks of 40 for a pass in all subjects, he/she will be detained.

4. The marks and remarks indicating promotion or failure, duly signed by the Principal, are to be considered, final.

5. No separate examination will be held for any student who is absent for any examination. Periodic academic performance of the students will be taken into account at the time of promotion to the next class.

6. No double-promotion is granted.

7. Regular 75% of attendance is a must, for promotion.

8. In all cases of promotion of failed-students, the Principal’s decision is final. Parents should ensure that the Report Cards are collected on the date communicated by the School and should be returned, duly-signed. They should also ensure to examine the Report Cards carefully and that their child (children) makes (make) a special effort and study those subjects in which he/she (they) is (are) weak.


1. At the freeze-bell, all revision should come to an end and you should keep your books outside your respective examination-halls (rooms), collect your writing-board(s) and pen(s) and come to the assembly for prayer.

2. After the assembly, you should move to your respective examination rooms, wait for the supervising-teacher, to call you in.

3. Follow the bell for examination.

4. When you get the question paper do not begin writing immediately, but, read it for 15 minutes. The bell will be rung to start the exam.

5. Pay careful attention to any instruction(s) that may be given at the top of the question paper. Do not waste paper(s) by skipping some lines.

6. Write your name, roll number, subject, date on the rightside of your first answer-sheet.

7. Get the signature of your teacher on every sheet of your answer-sheet.

8. Remember! your handwriting and spelling(s) will be taken into consideration.

9. As soon as the warning-bell goes, arrange your answersheets in order. Ensure every sheet has your name and roll number written on it. Fasten them together at the lefthand-corner and hand them over to the invigilating teacher.

10. At the last bell put down your pens and no more writing.

11. Do not burrow any item(s) from your peer-student, sitting next or behind you. You must have with all you require e.g. pens, pencil, eraser, scale etc.

The Use of unfair means : The students found guilty of :

i) Bringing in answer-sheets and detected copying.
ii) Taking out and/or attempting to take out answer-sheets
iii) Distributing to others or any disorderly conduct.

A pupil found using unfair means during the Test/ Examination, will be given zero in the subjects, concerned. He will be debarred from writing the remaining examinations. Repetition of unfair means will make the pupil liable for expulsion.


Withdrawal on Parents’ request : Students are accepted for admission with the understanding that they remain in the School for the entire duration of their School studies. Should they be withdrawn for personal reasons, the parents will have to pay the School fees in accordance with the School rules.

If a parent requests withdrawal of his child from School after six months of the academic year i.e. any time after September, the remaining fees of the year should be paid, before the issuance of the Transfer Certificate.

At least a month’s notice must be given in writing before the student is withdrawn, failing which, a month’s fees will be charged, in lieu thereof. Those who leave the School in April must pay the fees also for the month of May.

A transfer certificate will be issued only when all dues to the School are cleared.

WITHDRAWAL ON DISCIPLINRY GROUNDS : The Principal, can without assigning any reason, ask a parent/guardian to withdraw his child/ward from the School, if the Principal considers the child’s conduct, behavior or the influence, to be in any way, detrimental to the interests of the School.


Misconducts tolerated as the process of learning, but repeated misconducts the School and its healthy atmosphere, will not be tolerated.

The Principal reserves to himself/herself the right to dismiss any student from the School, whose conduct is, in his/her opinion, against the moral tone of the School. Immorality in word or deed, willful damage to the School property, grave insubordination, contempt of any School authority, unsatisfactory progress in studies and lack of diligence are sufficient grounds for dismissal. The Principal is the sole judge to decide to dismiss the student(s). The parents/guardians, when they apply for the child’s admission to St. Joseph’s School, are understood to have accepted his/her judgment in such matter, as final.

The Principal also reserves to himself/herself the right to suspend a student from attending School and determine the period of suspension, depending on the gravity of the particular situation.


1. If, for a reason, a child has to miss School, there must be a prior permission from the School authorities.

2. All absence from School, even with a prior permission must be explained by the Parents in the absence-record provided in the School Diary, before it can be condoned and the student is admitted into the class-room.

3. If the leave is more than 3 days, besides the leave-note in the Diary, an explanation in a separate letter must be given to the Principal and he/she has to sanction the leave, granted only for good reason.

4. A student returning to School after suffering from an infectious/ contagious disease, he/she should produce a Medical Certificate of fitness declaring him/her out of quarantine, before the student could be admitted into the class.

5. Repeated absence without a written leave or absence more than 5 consecutive days renders a student’s name struck off the rolls. Re-admission, if granted, will be done on payment of a re-admission fee of Rs. 500/-.

6. All are expected to attend the classes on the last working day, before the vacation begins and the School re-opens, after the vacation.

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St. Joseph's School, Jordih Village, Bhilai Pahari, N.H-33, MGM-Post, Mango, Jamshedpur-831012, Dist - East Singhbhum, Jharkhand.