Mission & Vision


The Mission of ST. JOSEPH’s SCHOOL is to unfold the enormous potential of young men and women to the maximum, through the selfless and dedicated service. To impart qualityeducation to the children’s integral development, devoid of caste, creed and sex, to build honest, wise, thoughtful and humane, men and women, for tomorrow’s India.



The aim of ST. JOSEPH’S SCHOOL is to provide an atmosphere of communal harmony and social integration, in which, students, devoid of caste, creed, sex and place of origin, develop into God-fearing – men and women, with power and insights to envision and to craft a new, loving and serving society in their mature years, through their personal commitment.

The true product of St. Joseph’s School will be a young man/ woman, aware of his/her potential, qualities, virtues, determined to use them, not for ones’ selfish ends, but for the good of others and thus, truly becoming a loving and a caring person.

Hence, the aim of St. Joseph’s School is to uphold the following values :

To become selfless and dedicated men and women, at the service of their fellowmen.

To be firm on the principles of honesty, truthfulness, and discipline.

To uphold the human values.

To become the agents of social change in the society/country.

To strive for excellence in every spear of activity.

To strive for leadership in School through varied School activities.


Our SCHOOL MOTO : Love, Serivce Care & Share

We believe that man is made in the image and likeness of God Himself. All people are endowed with unique gifts within themselves. They are used for the service of all. Assisting each of our students in the gradual unfolding of their potential to the best is the task of St. Joseph's School. We believe this unfolding to the maximum can be real only by becoming persons of loving service throughout ones’ adult life.

This School is an unaided Christian Minority School, which has classes from Nursery to Std.- X. The efforts are being made to obtain NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE from the Government of Jharkhand, Ranchi. Once the School obtains NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE, the School authorities will start the process for the Affiliation, to the Indian Council of Secondary Education (ICSE), New Delhi.

St. Joseph’s School receives no Government grant or private aid. The only financial resource is the fees, collected from the students. Hence, the Parents will have to pay the fees, every month, without fail, from the 5th till the 15th of the month, to be able to pay the bills, salaries and to do timely maintenance of the School building. The failure to pay the fees, will invite a fine of Rs. 50/-.

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Reach Us

St. Joseph's School, Jordih Village, Bhilai Pahari, N.H-33, MGM-Post, Mango, Jamshedpur-831012, Dist - East Singhbhum, Jharkhand.